Jesus said,

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do". John 14:12. He meant that literally.

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It is interesting that we "know" that there is a future, but we don't actually know the future. Its just enough certainty to be uncertain. We seem to be designed to detect patterns and learn, which can be used for good. But we can also learn to try and avoid even the chance of pain or even the chance of suffering, while ultimately missing out on the chance for positive experiences.

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Goes well with my observation that at the core of every decision a human makes is his awareness of time. We are captive to it unless we choose as an act of faith to deny it as the prime factor in our future. Saving faith makes its decisions in the light of eternity.

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Beautiful and resonates on a deep level. Thank you.

I've recently been reading mathematician/physicist/philosopher Wolfgang Smith - Yoshi if you haven't come across him yet I think you'd love his work. Anyhow, you're post makes me think of some of his writing. He posits that time essentially began with the fall - because in our uncorrupted state humanity existed as God does, beyond time.

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I have not heard of him, thank you for recommending him.

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I think God is sympathetic to our fallen experience of Time.

He gave us night and day, four seasons upon which all of His creation ebb and flow, even a giant sky-clock for autistic nerds! Abstractions of time, though... those get us into trouble. Sundials were probably a mistake. Maybe this is why Jesus in the vineyard insists we don't buy and sell men "by the hour" as is common today?

Concepts like "paid time off" or "time shares" or "futures contracts" have little place in a growing season or even a liturgical calendar. Many of the phantoms birthed by abstractions of time are more potent when combined with other abstractions, like money. God tells us where to find the shiny yellow rocks in Genesis, even where to find the best ones. Seems to think it inevitable that we use them for commerce, another sympathetic gesture to our corruption.

The thing about fears birthed from abstractions is that they are, over Time, made manifest. I think that's part of the Devil's Contract you describe - straying too far from God's Platonic forms and creating vessels for demons through our hubris. Nobody is scared of a gold coin, but they may be scared of an expiring call option on an imaginary gold coin allegedly in a vault in London.

Perhaps all this is another reason why He had to be made flesh and dwell among us, for how could God's essence approach such lunacy?

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I have recently discovered the law of covenants. Judgement happens when a nation or people break a covenant with God, he brings a covenant lawsuit against them. Faith is the mark of the true descendants of Abraham.

I think this is the true doctrine of the elect, they are living breathing covenant carriers of the promise God made with Abraham. Because of their faith, God has blessed them. Similarly, all those who hear their testimony of faith and bless them are also blessed. But those who curse them are cursed.

Brings a whole new kind of understanding of judge not others, lest ye be judged.

In Jesus name, I pray God bestows all the blessings and love of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit upon you for all the days of your life. Your faith is beautiful. :)

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