The “waters” in Genesis are never mentioned as being created. God creates “The Heaven” and “The Earth” but the waters are just already there. At least a strict reading of the text implies that. If the waters are matter one can easily read said matter as being eternally existing.
I find it amusing how you define authority, as if the authority figures of men have any consequence regarding divine authority.
I find your thoughts of great interest, I have observed that the the laws of men can be broken w/o consequence, but the law of God is written into the fabric of the universe. Matter indeed does submit to his will as a wife is taught to submit to her husbands will in scripture.
I have always viewed men as bearers the image of Gods will and women as bearers of the image of Gods essence. In regards to authority the hierarchy is God, man, then woman. Many say Eve was deceived in the garden, but it was Adam who committed treason. I think this aspect is why Jesus death alone was able to restore all of humanity who believe in his name. Both men and women assume the role of Eve as the bride of Christ. We are all equally sinners, gender and sex are not really the point. I believe the metaphor of marriage and consummation in the scriptures is used to emphasize fact that we will be united with him in the physical sense (both spirit and flesh). Currently, we are united in spirit but not in flesh (consummation is flesh). Not sure what that involves but I think youre on the right track.
This sounds more like Mormonism than Christianity. For matter to be a "part" of God it would also have to be eternal.
The eternality of matter was a view held by some in pre-nicene Christianity. And even afterwards.
The “waters” in Genesis are never mentioned as being created. God creates “The Heaven” and “The Earth” but the waters are just already there. At least a strict reading of the text implies that. If the waters are matter one can easily read said matter as being eternally existing.
A mind-blowing observation, self-evident in the text of Genesis, never considered it. Thanks.
I find it amusing how you define authority, as if the authority figures of men have any consequence regarding divine authority.
I find your thoughts of great interest, I have observed that the the laws of men can be broken w/o consequence, but the law of God is written into the fabric of the universe. Matter indeed does submit to his will as a wife is taught to submit to her husbands will in scripture.
I have always viewed men as bearers the image of Gods will and women as bearers of the image of Gods essence. In regards to authority the hierarchy is God, man, then woman. Many say Eve was deceived in the garden, but it was Adam who committed treason. I think this aspect is why Jesus death alone was able to restore all of humanity who believe in his name. Both men and women assume the role of Eve as the bride of Christ. We are all equally sinners, gender and sex are not really the point. I believe the metaphor of marriage and consummation in the scriptures is used to emphasize fact that we will be united with him in the physical sense (both spirit and flesh). Currently, we are united in spirit but not in flesh (consummation is flesh). Not sure what that involves but I think youre on the right track.
Really good. I had thought about matter in this way as well. Don't forget also another level: The Church as the bride of Christ