May 31Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

9/11 could have literally *been* a magic spell. Like actually conjured up. Don't forget building 7 also fell perfectly straight down into it's own footprint, though no planes hit it. There is no way to explain what happened with physics.

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Many buildings have collapsed due to uncontrolled fires.

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Not steel structures like this - and two of them? Too many engineers and aviation experts call so much into question that it is delusional to believe the official narrative.

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A 12 story steel skyscraper in Tehran collapsed in 2017 due to fire, falling down onto its foundation in a similar way to building 7.

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Building 7? The one that collapsed from no plane or jet fuel? In what appears to be a controlled demolition? There are way too many questions to adjudicate here. We will have to agree to disagree. But in a very rare event, three building collapsed on the same day in the same city. Odd to be sure.

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Well, “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” 1 John 5:19. Yikes! When Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world Jesus didn’t say Satan was unable to do that. Behind the scenes in high places it’s probably quite bad.

In the late seventies I was talking a walk outside during a long lay over in O’ Hare airport in Chicago. I suddenly felt a wave of demonic evil wash over me from behind. I turned around and about fifty feet behind me was Henry Kissinger walking with 2 bodyguards. I made an immediate right and walked away. C.S. Lewis said that Christians were like the resistance in enemy occupied territory. But one day as it says in Revelation and Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus “the kingdoms of this world are now become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ”. The Constantine episode put a lie into Christianity that we get to be top dogs.

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Very interesting. I have a very radically different take than most people. 9/11 was a sign from God and an answer to a quasi-prayer from a former president- “God help this country if it ever falls into the hands of the military industrial complex.” World Trade Center and the Pentagon are about as symbolic of that complex as anything. January 2001 saw incredibly portentous astronomical signs- with the moon, earth and sun all entering into an extremely rare alignment, exactly on the eve of the new millennium. But most people, even from the Christian Church were in their homes fervently watching Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. While Bush and Cheney and their Texas buddies were looting the national economy. A mighty smiting was due. But America turned to revenge rather than humility and sealed her fate.

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"At least he’s pretty funny"

Not only that. The reactions to him are even funnier. Trump derangement syndrom is real.

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Empire?! Empire?! We've been an empire since the beginning.

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Sigil and Chaos magick are all around us, unfortunately. And both sides of these dialectics use them as they war with God. I'm sad that it's still considered "schizo" when it's simply what's happening. Too many examples to deny.

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As with Charles and his demonic portrait, it matters less (or perhaps not at all) whether or not demons are real and if it is possible to make deals with them, than if the person believes they are and it is.

You see someone engaging in demonic rituals, do not laugh it off as mere ignorant superstition. If that person believes it is real, he is capable of the most brutal actions, far beyond what you think possible.

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Another thoughtful piece Yoshi. Your writing is a breath of fresh air and a tonic for the mind and soul.

I admit that I am a bit of a Trump fan. I am Canadian so my support will not help him. But I see him as an agent of change and we desperately need that - someone to rally around in a popular uprising to face what you identify here. My interest in politics has been on the decline for decades and I consider the system and its participants rotten to their core - both as causes or effects of the incentives built into the system. But I cannot completely dismiss politics and it has its place, at least for now.

I believe that a number of forces are at work - primary and emergent, and I would not rule out demonic ones, but not as being sufficient. Magic certainly plays a role, but perhaps more as a belief system apart from its real existential power. Beyond that I can only speculate. I do believe that at some level there are no coincidences, but we cannot always determine their significance. Is Trump a white hat? A black hat? Or more likely a grey one that may do the bidding more of one than the other. I truly believe he is part of the solution, but time will tell. As a member of the professional and graduate school university educated class I relish my stand as an outlier within my tribe. I am drawn to iconoclasm as someone who is suspicious of facile conclusions and consensus. I embrace my brothers and sisters who question the status quo and the system as presently constituted.

But for me your most starkly true statement is:

"Culture is stuck.

And stuck, I think, in a very bad place."

Absolutely brilliant observation that I think I unconsciously came to some time ago, but you revealed it so plainly to me. "There is no there there." Every decade in the 20th century had a recognizable "feel" or zeitgeist and after the 90's? Zilch. Tapioca pudding leavened with fear, ennui, and alienation.

Your perceptive observation reminds me of a book I can recommend without reservation. The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov. It is all about precisely this - a freezing of culture as a means of control. His writing is not generally character driven, but here it is more so. His writing explores the subject of society and control. In this compelling book he describes a society that has mastered time travel and it is run by a technocratic priesthood that works tirelessly to keep humanity contained within bubbles of time. These time lords averted an apocalypse that they believe could have destroyed mankind so they keep different centuries contained in amber. Each century is only allowed to remain within that culture and epoch, and if any innovation develops, the priesthood snuffs it out. The priesthood and the technicians can shuttle about from century to century like different countries that never touch or communicate with any others. Stability and control are the only imperatives - the only values of humanity as a whole. You are born into a certain century. You live your entire life in that century with its culture, clothes, technology and feel. And so do your offspring, and their offspring, forever. Perfect and safe stasis - for eternity, as engineered by the technocratic elite priesthood, until love and a technician throw a wrench into the works. And the end of eternity and the rebirth of freedom and free will.

Yoshi, I think this book is a perfect encapsulation of what you are describing. And what can't continue, will not continue. That book and our world will clearly demonstrate that our human nature, born and of the divine, is so much stronger and so much more resilient than any half-baked magic. Bring it on ye magicians and learn the power of the true master of the universe and of existence.

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Interesting take. As with all things God, numerology included, things are in existence(literally) for a reason. While I tend to disregard alot of the hoopla and wizardry around this type of "science" (outside of the good Book), I tend be a big believer of finding truth in just about every aspect of creation. As God is inserted in everything (His creation), I'd like to believe there's some validity in all of it, depending where you're placed on the stage(Shakespearean reference), you will be fed from the mouth(s) you've been given. Essentially all roads do lead to Him, if you maintain the course-of course- and hopefully stay there.

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