Sobering analysis, great stuff.

"The actual men and women of 1776 would see most all of us as slothful degenerates." Yes totally agree, they would probably try to rally the Amish to create another country.

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Well said. Honking like screaming is what you do when you have no control and no power.

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A spirited post Dr. Yoshi, thank you!

My belief is that the American government is not what needs to be replaced, but that the people IN government most certainly do.

When you talk of those who have “…done nothing independent of the system their entire lives…” , I hear ‘career politicians’

The people who are leading this nation are now, and have for years been the usurpers and have in actuality already overthrown the government of the Founders.

Be assured, those that will overthrow the current ruling class won’t be the antifa anarchists, or the illegals, or even an outside nation. The new overthrowers will be American citizens disgusted with the moral, the legal, and as you have correctly identified, the cultural degradation of this nation.

And it will be ‘replaced’ with adherence to the document already in place. The American constitution is not a wheel that needs to be re-invented.

You write: “ The American revolution was successful because it was a stricter, more rigid system of government moving in and replacing one that was far away, more permissive, less devout, and less homogeneous. “

Spot on. What should by now be clear as a bell is that there is no ‘strength in diversity’. Strength comes from unity. Unity of faith, of morality, of a national cultural identity. The populace is so diluted with competing identities that a unique American identity and the original American values have been lost. But hey, we’re sure diverse.

Thanks again, this one poked me with a sharp stick.


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