Yes, I agree with Eric. Great piece of writing, and thoroughly good advice. It’s something like Jordan Peterson’s « clean up your room before you try to change the world, » but a lot more succinct. And I, a classics scholar, had never thought of Ulysses in precisely that way before. Kudos, Doc.
We're entering a time of small stories, local places, intimate circles. Our attention turning to UKRAINE WAR and TRANS RIGHTS and MARKET TRENDS feeds the machine demons and starves our trajectory-seeking souls.
For an interesting take on The Odyssey: _Circe_ by M. Miller - nice story.
Good piece. Lots of people out there try to save the world and in the next tweet talk about their antidepressant use and anxiety (no judgment, I've been there).
Jordan Peterson is right when he says to get your life in order before you set out to criticise (or change) the world.
"Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in
dreams. Love in dreams is greedy for immediate action, rapidly
performed and in the sight of all. Men will even give their lives if
only the ordeal does not last long but is soon over, with all
looking on and applauding as though on the stage. But active love is
labour and fortitude, and for some people too, perhaps, a complete
science." -Fr. Zosima, in The Brothers Karamazov
This beautiful site is Matsumoto Castle:
thought you would enjoy.....
Very wonderful, thank you.
Yes, I agree with Eric. Great piece of writing, and thoroughly good advice. It’s something like Jordan Peterson’s « clean up your room before you try to change the world, » but a lot more succinct. And I, a classics scholar, had never thought of Ulysses in precisely that way before. Kudos, Doc.
You should check out The Missouri Breaks, Jack Nicholson in his prime and Marlon Brando before he gets really old and fat. 1976 and it holds up well
We're entering a time of small stories, local places, intimate circles. Our attention turning to UKRAINE WAR and TRANS RIGHTS and MARKET TRENDS feeds the machine demons and starves our trajectory-seeking souls.
For an interesting take on The Odyssey: _Circe_ by M. Miller - nice story.
Excellent! Great piece
Good piece. Lots of people out there try to save the world and in the next tweet talk about their antidepressant use and anxiety (no judgment, I've been there).
Jordan Peterson is right when he says to get your life in order before you set out to criticise (or change) the world.