Mystery transcends human reason. πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ”₯

The Holy Mysteries reveal Uncreated Grace.

[paradox is either/or, Orthodox is Both /And😌]

You appear to be unfamiliar with the inverted pyramid analogy of Saints Sophrony of Essex and Silouan the Athonite..... πŸ•―οΈπŸ”οΈ ✍🏼☦️ πŸ“š πŸ“Ώ ~ Αξιοσ!

Grace and Peace to you Amigo,

One day at a time.... πŸŒΎπŸ‡β€οΈβ€πŸ©ΉπŸ’§β›ͺ

{polarity without duality}

God's merciful loving kindness is better than life!🀱🏻🌐

2/2/2024 Anno Domini, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple πŸ•Ž (Luke Chapter Two)

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I’m still trying to make sense of my own similar experience in 2007. Coming out of my deep dark hole step by painful step brought me to a realisation of God. Pure knowing. No belief or unbelief necessary.

You have no idea how much this essay has helped me with my understanding. I will read it over and over again. Thank you and blessings.

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According my Young’s Concordance the Greek word translated as β€˜mystery’ means β€˜what is known only to the initiated’ so as Jesus said β€œCome and see” So to a Christian the Trinity and the God/Man nature of Jesus is no longer a mystery in the usual sense, ditto for the presence of the Lord as we take communion, it all makes perfect sense and has the savor of truth.

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How did you come out of such a deep hole where you were so close to despair you even met her? How does one even fight these demons? How did you stop the constant loop of depression?

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