Sep 16Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

Truly inspiring piece. This is one of the best you've written. God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:5 has a qualitative and not merely quantitative aspect. God is promising Abraham that his offspring will be *like* the stars, not merely as numerous as the stars. That's pretty close to becoming fire. Daniel 12:3 picks up on this when it says,

"And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."

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Thank you. Yes, I think once you are attuned to the fire aspect you see promises of it everywhere.

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Sep 16Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

And we (foolishly?) consider fire dangerous: too close contact definitely harms flesh and bone. But perhaps the fire that is God has different effects. Perhaps it only consumes dross. Another analogy? found in the Bible speaks to the refining fire. What if we fear and avoid closeness to God because we do not want to be refined. How are we to distinguish between the fire of hell and the fire of God's love? There is much to ponder.

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I am absolutely loving loving loving this piece!!! If I could chef’s kiss I would. Amazing.

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Thank you!

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You know when I feel God's presence it can begin to feel like intense energy/heat. I think even the Mormons talk about the "burning in the chest" or something like that. Pretty interesting. Perhaps the light that even allows us to see at all is God himself?

Also, in a bible podcast I follow, BEMA, they describe many passages of the bible as having "problems". As in they are supposed to draw your eye to it, to see the issues and to attempt understand and wrestle with them and maybe even one day resolve them. I think the Book of Genesis in particular is full of them. They make you stop and wonder "what does this mean?" And this is a good thing actually.

Some people think because God is good that he is simple. But I think of how complex the world is and how complex every human is, I imagine God must be all that and even more actually.

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