Aug 15, 2023Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

I keep saying this at work! (I write for a living, so all my colleagues are extremely flustered by our impending defenestration by some bot called Claude.)

I recognise that I'm more Thomistically inclined than most, but you don't have to believe that the intellect is a faculty of the soul – or even to believe you have a soul – to be able to see that calculation is not intelligence. It is very rapid calculation dressed up as human words because that's how you make rapid calculation look really cool and get investors hot under the collar.

'Whoa, the Youtube algo knows me better than I know myself!!' is the same as 'Whoa, that lady in the tent on the beach JUST KNEW I've had my heart broken and would like to earn more money', except the lady on the beach is a lot more impressive because she's actually cold-reading you and doesn't have access to your search history.

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Exactly so! Thank you for the good comment and congrats on being able to write for a living, one day I hope to get there myself.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

Well, congrats on the great Substack – that's my next goal, so with our powers combined we're absolutely crushing it!

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Hah, I live for a writing, so maybe there indeed is an exchange to be made...great piece Yoshi....

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Yoshi Matsumoto

Excellent reminder and so true. The disturbing thing is that we humans have been set up for this by modernity working hard to turn our brains off as much as possible. People’s jobs have been dumbed down and replaced by systems and protocols which are analogues of those flow charts. People are fed social media to become addicted to mindless escape.

Humanity has been marginalized and reduced while the machine and the algorithm have been elevated to minor gods. Ultimately the plan of the elites is for they and our tools to become our gods, or at least the puppet that appears to rule as the wizard used in Oz, to be worshiped and feared.

Modernity is seeking the annihilation of humanity as a goal and as an emergent consequence. It is virtually impossible to separate the two. But the essential nature of humanity is not so easily extinguished and it will not be defeated. Bravo for this reminder.

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The man behind the curtain is indeed the endgame.

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FYI The lore was thought in childhood that inside the Turk was my country man, a noble who lost both legs above the knees.

Also automotons and adroids were created by hefaistos God of craft for Olympus , automotons were essentially food dispensers/cleaners Androids were waitresses entertainers and sex robots. Nihil novi sub Sol

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wow that article is close to my way viewing the world, that if its grammar was worse (like mine english is my third language) I would have thought I wrote it myself , or that yoshi has access to my emails and is plagrizing

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It is funny that you could simply point at any mechanical device (including modern computers or phones) and ask "is that alive?" and a perfectly sane answer most would give is "no". Somehow programs powered by the same machine *can* be alive though?

On a sort of side note, I look forward to when AI is blamed for Climate Change.

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"Companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have gone to great links to convince you that their systems are more or less autonomous."

Did you mean to say "great lengths?"

I'm in full agreement with the point of this article. I thought from the first time I saw it that ChatGPT was just a new version of a search engine.

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No, of course he meant great links, Yoshi is a humour being.

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