Another excellent post in this series! I really appreciate your expositions on scripture, and how you tie them in to other cultures and religions. It really gives a sense of just how out of touch with ancient wisdom and true spirituality modern mankind is. Your ability to tease these ancient truths out of the scriptures is truly astonishing. You touched on the soul/spirit distinction early on. I've encountered this concept recently in the old Orthodox theologians and it's new to me. In their view, as I understand it, the soul is the "active" or passionate, or lower part of our inner being while the spirit is the higher "contemplative" or vigilant part, which is capable of union with God. It's a "bridge" so to speak between the human nature and the divine nature. The spirit, our connection to God, must be ever vigilant so as to direct the actions of our soul towards the good. The soul in turn is what drives our physical bodies to action and governs our thoughts. I hope you at some point come back to that concept and give it an in-depth treatment. I would love to read your take on it.

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Thank you, you are too kind. Yes, I plan to do a post on the soul/spirit distinction at some point soon.

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Again just gonna ask if you can add backlinks to previous posts! Thanks! :)

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"Or, as the disciples asked Jesus of the man born blind, “Who sinned? Did this man sin, that he was born blind, or did his parents (broadly, his ancestors)?”

Jesus blows apart the question, of course, but not for the reasons perhaps assumed."

Forgive me for asking a question on an older post. Reading the bible to understand it is new to me.

If neither the man nor his parents sinned, but instead he was blind so that Jesus would heal him and the blind man would turn to God, how does that tie into Karma?

Thank you Yoshi!

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I love how Abraham and Isaac "prefigure" God and Christ. You touched on it in passing. When I first heard a sermon on it as a young man it deeply moved me and caused me to begin to look at the Hebrew Bible in a much different way.

Please don't stop writing. This is the best stuff on the internet right now.

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Thank you my friend, I will continue to write. I am attempting to get back into regular posting as we speak.

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