Sex With The Sky
A Columbian Endeavor for the Enterprise of the Discovery of Atlantis... and all Challengers shall be destroyed
“Pelvic Issues.”
That was a phrase I first heard from a priest who was tired of talking about sex stuff with regards to religion. “I don’t want to talk about pelvic issues.”
Hey, fair enough. The discourse in religious circles does seem to overemphasize sex fairly often, especially here in America where sex-related matters like abortion are hot button topics. I understand why a man of the cloth would be worn out talking about such. I probably would be too. And yet, you can never quite get away from it because sex is something very mysterious. It is, in fact, how souls get into bodies. It’s how spirits are incarnated. Man and woman make love, and, if they are lucky (or unlucky, depending on their perspective), then a new soul with a new body is created. A child. It is actually a thing of magic.
Yes. Magic.
The reason sexual rituals are so prevalent in schools of magic, be they modern religions like Wicca or Druidry, or the paganisms of earlier times, is because sex is how spirits enter bodies. It just is. You can think of it a bit like a computer hack. There is a certain way things are supposed to go, e.g., man and woman have sex and a new soul is created with new flesh… but, this same mechanism can be “hacked” to do other things. It can be hacked to get other spirits into other flesh. It is, in fact, the single most common means of inducing spirit possession. Magical sex rituals can open doorways for spirits in other realms to come through while skirting the final bit about the actual reproduction of the species. Traditionally this has been done in several ways, either through coitus with animals, prepubescent children, or old women past their child bearing years. This is one reason why, for instance, the stereotype of witches being “old hags” exists. You could use them for sexual rituals to open a portal for a spirit without them having the requisite physical hardware for that portal to be used by a new human baby. Hence the old witches in Macbeth are nude. Essentially you’re trying to open a door to the spirit realm and not have sex’s intended target (a child) come through. Then, the door doesn’t close properly. You’ve created an opening.
Is this sounding a bit strange?
My apologizes. There is however really no other way of saying it. What I’ve described is why sex magic is a thing and has been in every culture on earth for all of human history. The exact details of this process are complex and beyond anyone’s understanding. Anyone human at least. I’ve no doubt some of the creatures on the other side who influence people to undertake said rituals know full well how it all works. It occurs to me also that what I’ve written above may appear as an endorsement for the pre-existence of the soul, you know, the image of a child’s soul sitting about and just kind of waiting for a portal to earth to open so it can become incarnate. Please don’t read it as such. I’m not sure how the whole “ecology of souls” works exactly. Maybe they do pre-exist in some fashion, maybe they don’t. All I know for certain is that sex is the means by which spirits get into bodies… and that this process is hackable by spirits most of us would really not want to in our bodies, or in anybody else’s.
In any case that brings us to NASA.
Yes, NASA.
See, a long long time ago (not really he died in 1952), there was a fella by the name of Jack Parsons. Jack was/is the father of rocketry. At least modern space rocketry as we’re familiar with it. Jack Parsons invented the first rocket to use a castable composite rocket propellant and came up with numerous advancements in both liquid and solid fuel rockets. He also founded JPL (the Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in California which is the main research and development wing for most of NASA’s robotic missions. He was as close to matching the “mad scientist” archetype as you’re like to find, and, on June 17, 1952, one of his experiments erupted in a fantastic explosion that tore off some parts of his body and caused him to bleed out approximately thirty-seven minutes later. He also tried to give birth to the antichrist.
No, really.
This isn’t even a “conspiracy theory”, over used as that term is. This is all very common knowledge which you can read about on Jack’s Wikipedia page. You see, Jack was a disciple of a fella named Aleister Crowley, the father of modern magic (in the Western World at least). Aleister had created a religion called Thelema (which later gave rise to the religion we know as “Wicca” today), and Jack was one of Aleister’s most enthusiastic converts. One day Aleister informed Jack that he wanted him to complete something called the “Babalon Working” which was a series of sex magic rituals intended to birth the goddess Babalon (Babylon for those who are a bit slow) into human form. Essentially, Aleister suggested that Jack and his girlfriend (the title of girlfriend or wife I give only spuriously, she was more considered something like a “vessel”, I don’t know, it was creepy) attempt to birth a child inhabited by the spirit of antichrist. When Aleister suggested this, Jack said, “okay.” Somewhere along the way, L. Ron Hubbard (yes the Scientology guy) got involved too and had sex with Jack’s lady friend and Jack lost a bunch of money and the FBI thought he was a spy and there was talk of fleeing to Israel and so forth and so on, as one does, tale as old as time, you get the picture.
Anywho, my point in telling you all that is that there’s a very good reason that rockets are shaped like phalluses.
And that reason is that rocketry is very often nothing more than ritualistic sex with the sky.
There. I said what I said. I’ll be here for you when you’re ready to accept it. Don’t judge me.
I believe that what Jack Parsons was really involved in, the entire reason he cared about rocketry, was the attempt to invoke spirits through sex magic. I believe also that this is what many of the rocket missions still to this day are about. Perhaps not all, but some, certainly. Where, after all, has Man traditionally believed the most powerful spirits to reside? In the sky, obviously. Given what we’ve learned about what sex magic is, what would be the best way to try and incarnate such entities?
You build a big giant penis and thrust it into the sky. Virgin Galactic anyone?
You might say to me… Yoshi, you might say… but how would a fake penis work? Assuming all you said above is real and not just the ravings of a mad man, wouldn’t you need an actual penis and you know, a real woman for this all to work? The portals and what not…
No, not really. The language of the spiritual realm is one of symbols. It is just intrinsic to how the realm of the spirit operates. Hence at all times and places the spirits were thought to be appeased by and communicated with through symbolic acts and gestures. On a spiritual level, or, as Thomas Aquinas might say, on a metaphysical level, eating the bread and wine, properly blessed under the proper ritual, is the same as eating the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Or, to use a pagan example, wearing the mask of a god and adopting that god’s persona allows you to act for that god, exactly as if the god himself did it. You know, whatever “it” happens to be. We humans, being spiritual beings as much as we are physical ones, speak the language of symbols quite naturally, even if such faculties are somewhat atrophied in modern people. For instance, why do you think you are asked to place your hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to a flag?
So no, while an actual penis and actual vagina are obviously the most accurate symbolic representations of themselves, the spiritual act can still be carried out with other less strictly anatomically correct objects and gestures. Enough to crack open a door that was meant to remain closed at any rate. And that’s the reason I believe Jack started JPL. To open portals.
I mean, think about it. From a practical standpoint the space programs of all the world are almost entirely a bust. Even if you believe we went to the Moon in the 60s (lol) we’ve not gone anywhere else. Nobody has. We’ve been plunking along in low-earth orbit ever since. Why?
Well, because the goal isn’t actually space travel. Never has been.
It’s invoking demons.
After all, none of this is new. When I said, “tale as old as time” earlier, I meant it. This is exactly what is described in The Book of Enoch and at various points in the Bible, which I wrote about in some detail here. Long ago, in ancient times, technology was first given to man in exchange for providing the gods with human women. That was the trade. Allow the spirits, the gods, the demons, to ravish some of your women and in return they will teach you secrets. Secrets like metallurgy, and medicine, and how to read the stars, amongst many other things. Sex with the sky for power. Literally for knowledge.
Is it a coincidence that very shortly after Jack opened these portals we had the computer revolution? You know, the things that have background processes called “daemons".
Who knows? Not me. I could be wrong, obviously. What do I know?
And yet…
The old gods. The ones I assert NASA is still trying to commune with. Who are they other than the planets? Jupiter. Mars. Venus. And just why is it that so many of their missions and rockets have monikers relating to mythology and astrology? Gemini. Apollo. The next moon mission is allegedly to be called Artemis, another goddess. What about Project Mercury? The Atlas rocket, the Juno Rocket, the Thor rocket, the Titan rocket, the Saturn V…
I’m just saying.
If you wanted to fool someone into thinking that you were trying to summon ancient horrors anew upon the earth as they were in the days of Noah, perhaps in preparation for the second destruction of the world… you could do worse. That’s all.
Look, I’m just saying.
I love the aesthetic though.
Even if they are summoning demons at least they’ve given us the NASA aesthetic. Serious engineers with white shirts and skinny black ties. Pocket protectors. Slide rules. That big bold 1960s font. Fax machines going “brrrrrrr” in the background. Big puffy suits with giant visors covered in gold. Freeze dried ice cream.
What’s not to love?
I’ll see you on the other side space cowboys.
Be careful out there.
Trying saying “Space X” without having it sound like “space sex”.
So Parsons launching rockets in the 50s led to Steve Jobs starting Apple in the 70s?
I understand the symbolic reality of sex with the sky, and could even see Parsons' death counting as a blood sacrifice toward his goals, but who gets to reap the benefits? Why did Gates and Jobs (just to pick two random obvious ones) and whoever get to become wealthy, while others are dead? Do you believe those people are deliberately accessing something that is generally available thanks to all the sky penetrating? Or did Parsons intend it specifically for them? If so, why? Or can anyone just access it accidentally? To what extent do you think anyone actually working for NASA or Apple or whatever is aware of this? Who are the deliberate wizards, and who are the materialist engineers who think they are just doing math?
It seems like it's becoming less effective: less return of knowledge in spite of many more rockets, which makes sense with the sexual symbolism. Also makes sense why there is always the push to reach "virgin" territory.
It's strange, symbolically, that now we're impregnating the sky, rather than the powers of the sky impregnating humans as in the days of Noah. Are there reversed power dynamics at play there? Or just the illusion that we're the ones in control now? How long can you screw the sky before the sky screws back?