Hello everyone. Exciting news! I know that on this blog (Holy is He Who Wrestles) I can be a little intense, and the stuff we discuss can get pretty heavy. I’m not always like that though. In fact I love fiction, writing it and reading it, and so I’ve started a separate publication (also on substack) which you can join if you’d like. Link here: Modern Pulp, and here:
Modern Pulp is my attempt at recreating the pulp fiction environment in which a lot of great fiction used to thrive. A lot of the best and most well known stories that we have today started as serial publications in cheap weekly magazines. Conan the Barbarian for example, or Tarzan, or The Princess of Mars. I will publish my own work there, particularly my novel “The Stories of Wayln” as well as some other stuff, but I also hope to feature other authors. Maybe YOU dear reader. In a world so filled with bad media, by which I mean degrading, purposefully spiritually damaging media, I hope to create a corpus of good, fun fiction that helps people find meaning.
Because I want to have other people also showcase their work, and because people need to get paid, this will be a paid only substack (although you can always see the free previews of each story). If any of you would like to submit a story for publication, please email matsumotobooks@gmail.com with “Submissions” in the subject line. Payment rates are discussed on the “About” page of Modern Pulp if you are interested.
Anyway, I know that not everyone here is going to be interested in fiction, but, if you are, I hope to see some of you over there at the new place. I will of course continue to write at Holy is He Who Wrestles, but I think this new venture will be fun too. My novel, “The Stories of Wayln” is pretty good, if I do say so myself and I look forward to sharing it with you.
That’s all. I won’t spam this newsletter with adverts for my new other one, I promise, but I thought some of you might like to know. Also, please do submit your work! I know many of you are very smart creative people and I’d like to see what you can do.